
Revitalize Your Taste Buds with Traditional Greek Ouzo Cocktail Recipe


Revitalize Your Taste Buds with Traditional Greek Ouzo Cocktail Recipe

​What are⁣ the traditional ingredients of a Greek‍ ouzo cocktail?

Revitalize Your Taste Buds with Traditional Greek Ouzo Cocktail Recipe

Greek ‍ouzo is a traditional drink made​ from distilled anise and other herbs, which creates a strong, ⁣sweet and refreshing flavor. It is a perfect drink to enjoy during sunny afternoons in Greece or anywhere else in the world. In this recipe, we will show you how ⁣to make a traditional Greek ouzo cocktail that will revitalize your taste buds and bring a little bit⁣ of Greece to your home.


Ingredient Amount
Ouzo 2 ‌oz
Lemon juice 1​ oz
Sugar syrup 1 oz
Sparkling water 1 oz
Lemon slice 1


  1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Add ouzo, lemon juice, and ‍sugar syrup to the shaker.
  3. Shake the shaker vigorously for about 10 seconds​ until ‍all ingredients are mixed well.
  4. Strain the mixture ‌into a glass filled with ice.
  5. Top the cocktail with sparkling⁣ water.
  6. Garnish with a lemon slice and serve.


  • To make ⁤the sugar syrup, combine equal parts sugar⁣ and water in a saucepan and heat until the sugar dissolves. Let it cool before using it in the cocktail.
  • You can adjust the ‍amount of sugar syrup and lemon⁢ juice to your ⁤taste.
  • Use fresh lemon juice‌ for ‍the best flavor.
  • You can skip the sparkling ⁣water if you prefer a stronger drink.

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